Friday, June 4, 2021

Activity 2







Galileo Galilei

Is one of the most importants astronomers. 

Is one of the most importants astronomers. He was born february 15, 1564 in Pisa ,Italy

He died in 1642 at the age of 77

He first sees the rings of Saturn and discovers different moons from Jupiter.


He is an astronomer and geographer

He was born 190 a.C in Nicea and

He died 120 a.C in Rhodes Greece.

He contributed to the knowledge about the position of the Moon and the Sun, and created the method to know the brightness of a star, which is still used today. 

Edwin Hubble

He is the most discovered astronomer

He was born November 20, 1889

He died September 28, 1953.

Who has discovered  that there are galaxies outside the Milky Way, and also  discovered that these galaxies move away from the Milky Way. 

Johannes Kepler

He was the first astronomer to study the motion of the planets

He was born December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt 

He was born December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt 

Discover and describe the laws that explain the motion of the planets around the Sun.

William Herschel

He was an English astronomer

who built his own telescopes, with which he studied the even-numbered groups of stars.

He was born November 15, 1738 in Hannover Germany

He died August 25, 1822 in Slough. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Activity 7

 What is a constellation?

 Constellations are groups of stars that, joining them with imaginary lines, form perfectly identifiable figures in the night sky. To date, the International Astronomical Union has recognized 88 constellations throughout the celestial sphere.

Which is their origin?

The oldest constellations, such as Leo and Taurus, are believed to have originated around 3,000 a.C  in Mesopotamia. The Babylonians used the constellations as references to mark the position of the Sun, Moon, and planets. The Egyptians took some of the constellations from the Babylonians, the Greeks took others from the Egyptians. We indirectly inherit all this knowledge through the Romans.

 Who discovered them?

Claudio Ptolemy was the one who discovered the constellations, who in the 2nd century BC. C. presented a catalog of 1022 stars, grouped into 48 constellations.

How can we easily find the constellations? 

We can easily find them in the sky.

Can they help us orientate?

 And yes, they can help guide us easily because there is a star called the North Star that always points north.

Tell us 4 constellations (name) and add a picture.




Big dipper

Search and summary the story behind one of them.

The constellation Capricorn represents the figure of a goat or a sea goat in the sky. Capricorn is also a member of the zodiac, a special group of constellations that the Sun passes through each year.

There are many myths about this low-gloss constellation. Some civilizations believed that Capricorn was the portal of the gods, a region of the sky where the souls of humans passed when they died. Many saw the figure of the goat or the sea goat. A sea goat is half goat, half fish.

In Greek mythology, Capricorn was associated with Pan. While they were eating in the fields, a monster named Typhon attacked the gods. The gods turned themselves into animals and fled, but Pan couldn't decide what to be. He finally jumped into the Nile River and transformed. Since one half was in the water, he turned into a fish. But his upper body was dry, so that half remained goat.

The well-known myth identifies Aquarius, who was also known as a pourer, with Ganymede. Ganymede is the son of Laomedon, King of Troy. His father entrusted him with the task of keeping the herds in the mountains. He was, according to the stories, one of the most beautiful mortals, in such a way that Zeus, father of the gods, fell madly in love with him and becoming Eagle (another constellation) kidnaps him and takes him to Olympus. As compensation Zeus gave the boy's father some immortal divine steeds. On Olympus Ganymede becomes the divine cupbearer in charge of serving the gods.

Aquarius generally represents the figure of a man, and when considering all the stars, which for a human being are very faint or difficult to see, he takes the figure of a man with a jug which spills a liquid. Aquarius has also been identified as Deucalion, the one who was saved along with his wife Pirra from the universal flood sent by Zeus, in the Greek version of the myth.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Activity 6

 The solar system 

The solar system is called the set of stars and celestial matter that gravitates in an orderly manner around the sun. There are several solar systems in the universities, but normally we refer to our solar system, located in the galaxy known as the Milky Way.  Receive the solar system number because the central center of rotation is determined by the sun. The sun attracts the group of planets, dust, matter, radiation and magnetic fields from the sun.  In our solar system there are eight planets, which trace elliptical orbits. Following the order of proximity to the sun, the planets of the solar system are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.  The solar system is only a small part of the universe. Planets and asteroids rotate in elliptical orbits around the sun. The sun is a star made of burning plasma, with a diameter of 696,000 kilometers.

The earth

Earth is the third planet in the solar system according to its proximity to the Sun and the only star known to have life. 29% of its surface is covered by land in the form of continents and islands and 71% by water, most of which is found in the seas and oceans, which form the hydrosphere together with lakes, rivers and other freshwater bodies. Much of the polar region is covered in ice. The outer layer of the Earth is divided into numerous rigid tectonic plates that move across the surface over periods of many millions of years. Its interior remains active, with a solid inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earth's magnetic field, and a convective mantle that feeds the phenomenon of plate tectonics.

                                                                                                Amanda Codina Font

Tuesday, May 11, 2021




I chose the compass, now I will show you all the materials and procedures.


- Plastic cap

- Cork stopper (a very small piece)

- Needle

- White paper

- Permanent

- Water

- Knife


1-  First we take a white paper and with the size of the cap and we cut it.

2- Then when we have the paper cut out, we write the cardinal points on each end of the paper.

3-  Then we put the paper inside the cap and put water in it.

4- Then we take the cork and cut a small piece.

5-Then we take the needle and cross it inside the cap.

6- Finally we scratch the needle with a magnet and put it inside the cap with water. And already marks the cardinal points.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Activity 4 The big bang


The Universe began in a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago. At that time, the whole universe was inside a very small bubble and it was very hot and dense.

Then it suddenly exploded. The universe was born: time, space and matter began with the Big Bang. In just a few seconds, the universe went from being smaller than a single atom to larger than a galaxy, and continued to grow. Today it is still expanding. As the Universe expanded and cooled, the energy was transformed into particles of matter and antimatter that were two opposite types of particles that destroyed each other. But something survived, the most stable particles called protons and neutrons began to form when the universe was a second old. Over the next three minutes, the temperature dropped below 1 billion degrees Celsius, it was cold enough for protons and neutrons to join, forming nuclei of hydrogen and helium. After 300,000 years, the universe had cooled to about 3,000 degrees. Atomic nuclei could eventually capture electrons to form atoms. The universe was filled with clouds of hydrogen and helium gas.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Activity 1


Any llum

Light year



Sistema solar

Solar system

Vía làctea

Milky Way




Space/outer space



















Forat negre

Black hole






Big bang



Anells de saturn

Saturn’s rings





Activity 2

FAMOUS ASTRONOMERS WHO BORN DEATH DISCOVERIES IMAGE Galileo Galilei Is one of the most importants astronomers.  Is one of the most important...